Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Arrhh! A Digression...

Note: I'm not really this cynical towards humanity, contrary to what some might think, but sometimes if you have hate in your heart, you have to let it out...

Today was my first day back at Georgia Military College. I had class from 4:30pm until 10:15pm and I hated every minute of it. I hated it not because I necessarily dislike school and learning, but because of the pathetic quality of education offered at this less than fine institution. To say GMC is your stereotypical community college is an understatement. If I was an overly prideful person I wouldn’t even admit I go to school here, especially after the previous educational institute I attended.

My first class was a three hour long lecture in Biology taught by a short little Indian woman. I have no problem with having an Indian professor, other than the fact I spent more time interpreting the words that came out of her mouth than I did trying to understand the concepts she was teaching. Beyond that, she was simply a horrible teacher. It was like listening to a rocket scientist talk to another rocket scientist about rocket science. Good thing I paid attention in the 10th grade… oh… wait…

To make the experience even more enlightening, there was an “African-American” woman sitting behind and to the right of me who spend the majority of the class in heavy breathing, “humph”. I hate to stereotype, but you know the kind, big bootied, big lipped, and painfully ghetto. She sat there slouched with that attitude so rich in ignorance it makes you want to hit somebody. And, in-between her humphing, she would make these overt sucking noises that I guess resulted from the parting of her behemoth lips and the suction of air into the vacuum in her mouth. I was tempted to go to the store during our ten minute break and buy her a bag of cotton balls to stuff her mouth with so she wouldn’t be embarrassed by the noise she kept making, but the one time she did it and I looked back at her, she gave me a look like she meant to make that stupid noise and when I turned around I heard it again. At the same time I felt the breeze on my neck from when she rolled her eyes at me. She pushed me out of the way when class was over so she could get to the door quicker. I bet she would have voted for Cynthia McKinney if she voted at all, but she’s too ignorant for that. It felt like high school all over again. And the thing is, I’m not even racist, everybody knows I love black women!

After Biology I went into the lobby to pull myself together. On the wall there was a huge banner that stated, "Successful Learning Starts at GMC!" I didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

My next class was Ethics. Oh ya, that was entertaining. Listening to these wanna be high school drop outs attempt to sound intelligent when debating matters of moral weight was like watching Pat Robertson on CBN talk about Jesus. They were clueless. Their arguments were so stupid they would have made Paris Hilton sound smart. And not only were the students obviously lacking in I.Q. points, but the professor sounded more like a washed up hippy than an educator. The blind leading the blind, and for this I paid nearly $1000! What a shame. I have an English class Saturday morning from 8:30am to 1:30pm with the same professor… can’t wait.


Anonymous said...

It'll get better. Main thing is remain calm.

Matthew Patterson said...

thank you Amy...

Luke Goddard said...


First off, I'm personally a fan of GMC. Reason being, the easyness allowed me to be selected for Nursing School. That's huge on my part.

I do want to say...

This might have been the funniest article I've read in a while. Some parts made me laugh out loud. I'm still laughing.

Anonymous said...

I'm not Amy but your welcome.

Matthew Patterson said...

Congrats to you Luke on the Nursing School. That's really awesome. Maybe I'll get into the Rocket Science Academy! ;)

Luke Goddard said...


the "anonymous" person is not Amy. I'm sure you've read that. Do you know who it is?

I bet it's Searcy. Haha!

Matthew Patterson said...

nope, I do not know who it is... would you like to reveal yourself, anonymous!

Anonymous said...

Just someone down in Dodge County who enjoys a good blog. Keep up the good work. Also enjoy reading Luke and Bruces blogs.

Matthew Patterson said...

well Luke, looks like we got ourselves a Dodge County Mystery Man (or woman).