I mentioned Christ’s returning in my life-time to a fellow Christian friend the other day. She told me just to remember that every generation before us has thought the same thing, and that the decisions I made about my life shouldn’t be based on so unfirm a foundation. My heart sank. She is right though. There have always been those in preceding generations that have embraced such a claim. I can clearly understand why European Christians believed that during WWII. The difference is they did not have the insight to prophecy that we have now. Never before has prophecy been so clear. The Bible even says that prophecy will not be understood until the end of days (if I knew the Bible better I would show you, but trust me, its in there). That’s because the fulfillment of prophecy reveals meaning. There is very little Biblical prophecy left to be fulfilled, and the ground work is being laid to lead to that fulfillment. Even the political activities of the Middle East in the past two months have paved a road for the end of all things. And the Church still sleeps. I guess that is why God says He will call a remnant. My friend made her comments out of sincere care and concern for me, and I appreciate that tremendously. I just wish more people would pay attention to God’s word, all of God’s word. End-time prophecy wasn’t included in the Bible just to be ignored or shrugged off as fanatical. God is trying to talk to His people. He is warning us to prepare for the spiritual battle that lies ahead. Eric Thigpen puts it best, "awake you sleeper / arise from the dead / we are the army of God."
Now don’t get me wrong, and hear me out. I’m not gettin’ all radical and fanatical, and neither should you. I’m not saying get all crazy and obsessed with the impending doom of mankind. I’m not saying you should stock up on water or buy a generator. What I am saying is stop playing games with God. Or at least, that is what He is saying to me. I want to know my creator. I want to hear His voice, know His love and experience His presence regardless of what comes in the future. Because whether or not I face nuclear fallout of WWIII or the wrath of a mother-in-law, taxes and old age, I’m still gonna need God to get through it. And that isn’t, or at least shouldn’t be, radical.